I'm named after a jewel. Sapphire, but I go by Savvy. I'm from a wealthy family, have domineering parents, and I'm still dependent on their money. I went to college but can't get taken seriously in my chosen field.
Could I be any more of a cliché?
Yes, I can. I just woke up married in Vegas.
But my new husband will get me the freedom I'm looking for. With him by my side, I won't get married off to some well-bred rich boy of my dad's choosing. I'll be free to pursue my passion for environmental protection.
Until my new husband Xander tells me the last name I was too distracted to catch before I signed the papers and said "I do."
My dad's the owner and CEO of King Oil, not me. I'm the son that makes him wonder what he did wrong, spending my time roaming the world, avoiding Montana so I don't have to tell my billionaire dad and accomplished brothers why I'm broke and jobless.
My environmentalist wife wants an annulment as soon as she finds out who I am. Until I tell her my reason for getting married. My millions of reasons. That's right, I have a trust fund, but it comes with stipulations.
All Savvy has to do is stay married to me for a year, then she gets half. We can go our separate ways after 365 days.
Except I want more than a year with her. I've been a guy who hasn't committed to anyone or anywhere his entire adult life. Now I have to convince a woman who hates everything my oil family stands for to give me a lifetime.